The Download Section
This is the part of the Ledzar site that lets you custimize you computer and watch cool videos.

We will upload media as we create them, be sure that more stuff will be added here later on!

The Desktop background images are in Bitmap (BMP) format, zipped to take upp less server space. Movie files have been encoded with the DivX5 codec for the same reasons. You can download a codec from or

 Movie files

The Ledzar greeting (2004)
Have you ever wondered how the secret Ledzar Handshake looks like? Of course you have, we too. Luckily we managed to film two ledzar players in their natural habitat as they greeted each other. We can tell you, we were filled with awe as we watched this thousands of years tradition being done in all its splendor. As we're eager to show you all this beatiful thing we've uploaded a copy of the greeting for you to download.

DivX5 encoded @ 12.25 Mb


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