The standard date system in the Ledzar universe is a bit different from the one used on Earth in the old days. The digit to the very right in the standardized Ledzar date is refered to as a day. Now you might think that a ledzar day is as long as an Earth day, but as time moves faster in this part of the universe, a day in ledzar is equal to the time it took for an hour to pass back on Earth. The letter to the left of the day is the vector indicator; it changes every 96 days, just as the vector fluctuations take place. The vector indicator has four states - A, B, C and D. When it�s time for a vector fluctuation in the date n-D:95 (where n is any positive integer) the vector indicator will turn back to A, and the digit to the very left, n, will be raised by one.


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