Old War Journal - Ledzar Beta II Generation 9
The War Journal for Beta II Generation 9 (ended March 29, 2005)

War journal:

total attacks: 888
successful: 668
failed: 220
captured ships: 2206
captured ships destroyed: 128
convoys destroyed in battle: 3

most attacks: 91, (Crucher)
most successful attacks: 55, (Press Play on Tape)
most successful attacks where the transport ships were destroyed: 30, (Crucher)
most failed attacks: 19, (Press Play on Tape)
most defends: 69, (Crucher)
most successful defends: 20, (Banjo Hunters)
most failed defends: 59, (Crucher)

most captured transport ships: 291, (Banjo Hunters)
most captured transport ships in single attack: 36, (Banjo Hunters)


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